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Multiple traits of agronomic importance in transgenic indica rice plants: Analysis of transgene integration patterns, expression levels and stability. Molecular Breeding 5, 471-480.
Maqbool S.B., Christou, Paul (1999).
We cotransformed indica rice (Oryza sativa L. cvs. Basmati 370 and M7) with three plasmids, carrying a total of four genes, by particle bombardment. The Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) delta-endotoxin genes cry1Ac and cry2A were carried on separate vectors, while the gna (snowdrop lectin) and hpt (hygromycin phosphotransferase) genes were linked on the same, cointegrate vector. We evaluated the molecular and expression profiles of 29 independently derived transgenic lines over two generations. The gna and hpt genes cointegrated with a frequency of 100% as expected. Furthermore, 60% of the transgenic plants carried all four genes. Southern blot analysis showed that transgene copy number ranged from 1 to 15. We used western blots to determine protein expression levels in R0 and R1 plants. We observed wide variation in the expression levels of the nonselected transgenes among independently-derived lines, but expression levels within lines derived from the same clone were similar. Consistent with previous reports, we observed no correlation between transgene copy number and the level or stability of protein expression. We show that the introduction of multiple agronomically valuable genes into the rice genome by cotransformation is a practical strategy for engineering elite rice varieties.

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