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Absorption and distribution of selenium in animals consuming canola grown for selenium phytoremediation. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 46, 322-328.
Banuelos G.S., Mayland, H. F. (2000).
Canola (Brassica napus) grown as a selected plant species for field phytoremediation of selenium (Se) may be harvested and utilized as Se-enriched forage for marginally Se-deficient lambs and cows. Two field studies were conducted under controlled conditions to evaluate the accumulation of Se into different animal tissues, including blood, excreta, and milk. In Study 1, treatments consisted of feeding lambs freshly cut Se-enriched canola (containing approximateseq4 mg Se kg-1 DM) or control canola (containing <0.1 mg Se kg-1 DM), respectively, for 64 days. In Study 2, treatments consisted of feeding cows dried Se-enriched canola (containing approximateseq 3.5 mg Se kg-1 DM) as part of their daily ration for 20 days. In Study 1 at postmortem, Se concentrations were significantly greater in all tested tissues and in excreta from lambs fed Se-enriched canola. In Study 2, Se values were slightly higher in blood and excreta, but not significantly higher in milk from cows sampled throughout the study. Significant differences in total live animal weight were not observed between treatments in either study. Based on these results, canola plants (not including seeds) used for field phytoremediation of Se may be harvested and safely fed to lambs and cows to help meet normal Se intake requirements.

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