> Markergen Aktivität im Querschnitt eines Reisblattes <

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Allergenicity of foods produced by genetic modification. Food Science and Nutrition 36, 1-186
Clydessdale F.M. (1996).
It is estimated that 1-2% of the adult population suffers from food allergies, with the most common allergenic foods, worldwide, being egg, milk, fish, crustacea, peanut, soybean, wheat and tree nuts. More than 160 other foods and food-related substances have been associated with allergic reactions in individuals., For checking food made from genetically modified crops for new allergens, a decision tree strategy is recommended that takes into account the source of the gene, aminoacid sequence comparisons with known allergens, in vitro and in vivo immunologic analyses and an assessment of the physiochemical characteristics of the gene product.

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