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Cauliflower Mosaic Viral Promoter - A Recipe for Disaster? Microbial ecology in health and disease 11, 194-197
Ho M.-W., Ryan, A. , Cummins, J. (1999).
Concerns have been raised over the spread of transgenic DNA by horizontal gene transfer. One main factor determining the success of horizontal gene transfer is its tendency to recombine. This paper examines the safety implication of recent revelations on the recombination hotspot of the cauliflower mosaic viral (CaMV) promoter, which is in practically all current transgenic crops released commercially or undergoing field trials., As a precautionary measure, we strongly recommend that all transgenic crops containing CaMV 35S or similar promoters which are recombinogenic should be immediately withdrawn from commercial production or open field trials. All products derived from such crops containing transgenic DNA should also be immediately withdrawn from sale and from use for human consumption or animal feed.

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