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Who has a high vitamin A intake from plant foods, but a low serum retinol concentration? Data from women in Indonesia. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 53, 288-297.
de Pee S., Bloem, M. W., Tjiong, R., Martini, E., Satoto,, Gorstein, J., Shrimpton, R., Muhilal, (1999).
Objective: To examine whether the relationship between vitamin A intake, from plant and animal foods, and vitamin A status is the same throughout a population. Design: Analysis of cross-sectional data on vitamin A intake, vitamin A status, physiological condition and socio-economic status. Setting: Central Java, Indonesia. Subjects: Women with a child less than or equal to 24 months old (n = 600). Results: Mean serum retinol concentration of women with animal vitamin A intake below or above the median (50 RE/d) was 1.28 and 1.38 mumol/L, respectively (P < 0.05). For those with intake above the median the distribution curve for serum retinol concentration was shifted towards the right, to higher concentrations. Serum retinol concentration of women with plant vitamin A intake below or above the median (279 RE/d) was 1.30 and 1.36 mumol/L, respectively (P < 0.05). Again, the distribution curve for serum retinol was shifted towards higher concentrations for women with an intake above the median, exceptfor the subgroup of 25% with the lowest serum retinol concentration ( < 1.10 mumol/L). These women did not seem to benefit from their relatively high vegetable intake. They also had the lowest socio-economic status. Conclusions: The subgroup that was most in need of vitamin A could not obtain it from plant foods. It may well be that, because of their lower socio-economic status, their hygiene conditions were worse and therefore host-related factors that affect carotene bioavailability, such as parasitic infestation, were less favourable in this group. They depended on supplements and, if affordable, on animal foods, fruits and/or fortified products. Sponsorship: This study was carried out as part of the contract between UNICEF Indonesia and Helen Keller International Indonesia for the implementation and evaluation of the project: Social marketing of vitamin A rich foods in Central Java, which is funded by a grant of the Micronutrient Initiative Canada to UNICEF Indonesia.

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