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Allergy to kiwi fruit. Allergologie 19, 367-378.
Steurich F., Feyerabend, R. (1996).
Allergy to kiwi fruit 53 patients with allergy to kiwi fruit are presented. 9 of them showed mono-sensitivities without pollen-association, all others were pollen-associated, in 18 cases with those of birch, alder and hazel alone, in 10 cases with grass- and rye-pollen alone, in 16 cases with both pollen of birch, alder, hazel as well as pollen of grass and rye. There is a great discrepancy between anamnesis, skin-testing with native material and the friction test on the one side and in-vitro-tests on the other side. The RAST-classes were only little positive or just negative whereby no cross-allergenicity could be found, no RAST-inhibitions could be made. A potentiell improvement of the food-allergy by hyposensibilization of the associated pollen-allergy is discussed.

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