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Eine Sammlung von wissenschaftlichen Publikationen, welche in der aktuellen Gentechdebatte eine Rolle spielen: Aufregende Entwicklungen, Sicherheitsforschung und kontroverse Veröffentlichungen. Dieser Teil ist leider nur auf englisch erhältlich. Viele der Publikationen haben jedoch eine einfach verständliche Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Resultate.
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Drinkwater L.E., Wagoner, P., Sarrantoio, M. (1998).
Legume-based cropping systems have reduced carbon and nitrogen losses. Nature 396, 262-265
Droge M., Puehler, Alfred, Selbitschka, Werner (1998).
Horizontal gene transfer as a biosafety issue: A natural phenomenon of public concern. Journal of Biotechnology 64, 75-90.
Dwyer J., Navab, M, Dwyer, KM, Hassan, K, Sun, P, Shircore, A, Hama-Levy, S, Hough, G, Wang, X, Drake, T, Bairey Merz, CN, Fogelman, AM (2001).
Oxygenated Carotenoid Lutein and Progression of Early Atherosclerosis. Circulation 103, 2922-7
Egnin M., Shireen, K., Walker, M., Lewis, J., Pace, R., Prakash, C. S., Jaynes, J (1999).
Enhanced Protein Content and Quality in Sweetpotato Engineered with a Synthetic Storage Protein Gene. (Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plant Physiology, Baltimore, MD)
Einspanier R., Klotz, A, Kraft, J, Aulrich, K, Poser, R, Schwaegele, F, Jahreis, G, Flachwosky, G (2001).
The fate of forage plant DNA in farm animals: a collaborative case-study investigating cattle and chicken fed recombinant plant material. European Food Research Technology 212, 129-134
Elliott M.C., Bennett, J., Borlaug, N. E., Chen, D. F., Daskalova, S., Fowler, M. C., Kaminek, M., Kush, G. S., McCormac, A. C., Mishra, M. C., Peng, S. B., Rubia, L., Scott, N. W., Sorokin, A., Slater, A. (1999).
Crop improvement strategies must exploit gene manipulation techniques. Biologia Plantarum (Prague) 42, S83.
Ellstrand N., Prentice, HC, Hancock, JF (1999).
Gene flow and introgression from domesticated plants into their wild relatives. Annual Review of Ecological Systems 30, 539-563
Elmegaard N., Bruus Pedersen, Marianne (2001).
Flora and Fauna in Roundup Tolerant Fodder Beet Fields (National Environmental Research Institute).
Elomaa P., Helariutta, Yrjo, Kotilainen, Mika, Teeri, Teemu H. (1996).
Transformation of antisense constructs of the chalcone synthase gene superfamily into Gerbera hybrida: Differential effect on the expression of family members. Molecular Breeding 2, 41-50.
Ennos R.A. (1997).
The influence of agriculture on genetic biodiversity. R. C. l. Kirkwood, ed. pp.15-23.
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